Undergraduate Courses:
Astronomy 103: Intro Astronomy of the Solar System
Astronomy 104: Intro Astronomy of Stars and Galaxies
Astronomy 325: Astrophysics
Physics 108: Conceptual Physics II
Physics 211: Physics for Science and
Engineering I
Physics 212: Physics for Science and
Engineering II
Physics 213: General Physics I
Physics 214: General Physics II
Physics 308: Mathematical Physics
Physics 310: Mechanics
Physics 319: Optics
Physics 402: Electromagnetic Theory II
Physics 417: Modern Physics Laboratory
Physics 427: Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
Physics Labs:
Physics 221: Laboratory Physics for
Science and Engineering I
Physics 222: Laboratory Physics for Science
and Engineering II
Physics 223: Laboratory Physics I
Physics 224: Laboratory Physics II
Graduate Courses:
Physics 502: Intermediate Electromagnetic Theory II
Physics 514: Physics of Medical Imaging
Physics 521: Acoustics
Physics 634: Electronics in Research
Physics 652: Mathematical Methods of Physics II
Physics 710: Advanced Mechanics II
Physics 721: Advanced Electromagnetic Theory I
Physics 727: Advanced
Thermodynamics/Statistical Mech I
Physics 749: The Standard Model of Particle Physics