PHYS 309 – Fall 2011
Chapter 1, Energy in Thermal Physics – Review Material

(checklist of concepts and equations you should be familiar with)

Thermal Equilibrium
– Heat flow, thermal equilibrium, and how a thermometer works.
– Concept of temperature as tendency of a system to give up heat.
– Thermal expansion and the concept of absolute zero.
– Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin temperature scales, TK = TC + 273 K.

The Ideal Gas and Energy Equipartition
– The ideal-gas law

PV = nRT or NkT.

– Microscopic model and relationship between T and U, Ktransl, avg = (3/2)kT.
– Degrees of freedom and equipartition theorem

Uthermal = (1/2) fNkT.

– Value of f for monatomic and diatomic molecules and solids; T dependence. 

Heat, Work, and the First Law
– Concepts of heat and work, statement of the first law of thermodynamics

ΔU = Q + W.

– Compression work, δW = –∫ P(V) dV.
– Isothermal processes: Calculating Q and W, graphical representation.
– Adiabatic processes: PV γ = constant, with γ = 1+2/f ; Calculating W.

Heat Capacities
– Concept of heat capacity at constant V or P.
– Heat capacity with equipartition, CV = (1/2) fNk , application to ideal gases.
– Dulong-Petit law for solids, CV = 3 nR.
– Relationship between heat capacities, CP = CV + nR for an ideal gas.
– Latent heat, L = Q/M.
– Enthalpy, H = U + PV, and physical meaning; Calculating ΔH in various processes.

Heat Conduction
– Different mechanisms; For conduction, Fourier's heat conduction law,

Qt= –kt A dT/dx.

website by luca bombelli <bombelli"at">; content of this page last modified 20 aug 2011