Thursday, August 13, 2015

Postdoctoral fellow George Pappas joins the gravity group

George Pappas

(formerly at the University of Nottingham) formally joined the UM gravity group on July 28. George will work with Emanuele on compact objects, gravitational-wave sources and astrophysical tests of general relativity.

For everything you always wanted to know about George and his research (but were afraid to ask), check out his nice personal webpage. Welcome, George!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

New Faculty Kate Dooley joins UM and the LIGO Team

Welcome to Assistant Professor Kate Dooley, the latest addition to the Physics and Astronomy Department and the LIGO Team. Kate holds a PhD in physics from the University of Florida and comes to UM after a post-doc at the GEO600 gravitational-wave detector in Hannover, Germany, and a post-doc at Caltech. Kate is an experimental physicist working within the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. Her expertise is in laser physics, optics and design of advanced gravitational-wave detectors. Welcome, Kate!