Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Ask Them Anything: The Hunt for Gravitational Waves

In conjunction with the launch of the documentary film “LIGO Generations” on Space.com, The LIGO Scientific Collaboration is hosting an interactive Ask Me Anything (AMA) session at Reddit.com, featuring members of the UM-LIGO group. In addition to LIGO researchers, AMA participants will also meet Kai Staats, the filmmaker who produced “LIGO Generations” and its predecessor, “LIGO: A Passion for Understanding.”

To participate, create an account at reddit.com/r/science (takes only a few seconds) and visit the site Friday to post your questions. See space.com for more details on the event.

Where: www.reddit.com
When: Friday, February 13, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. EST / -5 GMT