Published by admin on Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Collaborative Research: Understanding Compact Binary Star Formation with the First Gravitational Wave Detections, NSF AST-1716715 (2017-2020). Total award amount: $318,810.
Physics and Astrophysics of Compact Binaries, NSF PHY-1607130 (2016-2019). Total award amount: $315,000.
Strong Gravity and High Energy Physics Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) Action, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 program H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015. Coordinator: U. Sperhake. PIs: E. Barausse, E. Berti, V. Cardoso, L. Gualtieri, C. Herdeiro, A. Ishibashi, L. Lehner and U. Sperhake (2015-2020). 288k euros.
An International Graduate Program in Gravitational Physics, University of Mississippi Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Investment Grant. Total award amount: $7,000.
High energy grazing collisions of black holes, NSF TeraGrid Grant PHY-090003 (2009-2016), ~10 million CPU hours.
CAREER: Physics and Astrophysics of Compact Binaries, NSF PHY-1055103 (2011-2016), $460k.
Numerical Relativity and High Energy Physics International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES), awarded by the European Union under the FP7 programme. PIs: E. Berti, V. Cardoso, L. Crispino, L. Gualtieri, C. Herdeiro and U. Sperhake (2012-2016), 318k euros.
Mississippi Participation in LIGO’s Search for Gravitational Waves: Getting Ready for Advanced LIGO, NSF PHY-1067985 (2011-2014), $300k.
Catching a New Wave: Gravitational-wave Astronomy as a Probe of the Universe, NSF PHY-0852870 (2009-2014), $950K.
Seventh Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting ORAU Event Sponsorship Program (2012), $2,000. See the conference website.
Black holes and neutron stars in alternative theories of gravity. University of Mississippi’s College of Liberal Arts Summer Research Grant (2012), $7,500.
Gravitational waves from black hole binaries: modeling, astrophysics and strong-field tests, NSF PHY-0900735 (2009-2012), $150k.
Mississippi participation in LIGO’s search for gravitational waves, NSF PHY-0757937 (2008-2011), $260K.
Einstein’s Cosmic Messengers: An Interdisciplinary Outreach Event at Ole Miss, University of Mississippi’s Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (2008-2009), $2.5K.
Mississippi’s Search for Gravitational Waves, University of Mississippi’s Faculty Research Program (2008), $12K.
Gravitational diffraction radiation, University of Mississippi’s College of Liberal Arts (2008) $7K.
Phenomenology at particle colliders (Task part of DOE grant Experimental Study of Electroweak and Heavy Flavor Physics), DoE (2007), $3K.
Simulation and analysis of black holes in high-energy particle collisions. University of Mississippi’s College of Liberal Arts (2006), $7K.
Cosmic ray detector, University of Mississippi’s Provost’s Partners Grants Program (2006), $1K.
Black Holes in particle colliders and cosmic rays, University of Mississippi’s Faculty Research Program (2005), $8K.
Statistical Geometry of Weaves in Quantum Gravity , NSF PHY-0010061 (2001-2003), $30K.