Astr 101 – Fall 2013 – Homework Assignment #6
Astronomy News; Star Formation and Evolution

Provide a full answer to each of the following questions, using full English sentences. Complete answers should be at least 2-3 lines long but no more than 5 lines long, and they must all fit in one page. Remember to include a header with your name, the course number, and the assignment number at the top of the page. If you email me your homework, attach it as a separate file. If you submit it on paper, make sure the page has smooth edges.

(1) What is the goal of the MAVEN mission that NASA launched today?

(2) What evidence do we have that stars are still being formed in our galaxy?

(3) Why do stars become brighter after the end of their main-sequence lifetime, despite the fact that their core cools down and shrinks?

(4) How are stars able to start burning helium into carbon in their cores after their main-sequence lifetime, even though this requires even higher temperatures?

(5) Why don't white dwarfs keep shrinking in size as they cool, and how can remnants of massive stars become smaller than white dwarfs?